Sök Meny

Contents Swedish Grammar

Swedish Grammar


§ 1 Verb forms 6
§ 2 Verb tenses 7
§ 3 Auxiliary verbs and main verbs 10
§ 4 Short answers 12
§ 5 Reciprocal verbs 13
§ 6 Imperative 13
§ 7 Intransitive and transitive verbs 14
§ 8 Perfect participle 15
§ 9 S-passive 17
§ 10 Present participle 19
§ 11 Conditional 19
§ 12 Att before infinitive 20


§ 13 Noun forms 26
§ 14 The indefinite article, the definite article and no article 28
§ 15 Genitive 29
§ 16 Word formation 30

Adjectives och adverbs

§ 17 Adjective forms 32
§ 18 The use of the indefinite and definite form 33
§ 19 Comparison of adjectives 35
§ 20 Comparison of adverbs 36
§ 21 Adjective or adverb? 37
§ 22 Adverbs 38


§ 23 Personal pronouns 40
§ 24 Reflexive pronouns 41
§ 25 Possessive pronouns 42
§ 26 Indefinite pronouns 43
§ 27 Relative pronouns and relative adverbs 44
§ 28 Demonstrative pronouns and determiners 46

Word order and conjunctions

§ 29 Word order in a main clause 47
§ 30 Coordinating conjunctions 48
§ 31 Conjunctive adverbs + coordinating conjunction 49
§ 32 Word order in subordinate clauses 49
§ 33 Subordinating conjunctions 50
§ 34 Subordinating conjunctions and prepositions 51
§ 35 Clause adverbs 52

Indirect speech

§ 36 Indirect speech and indirect questions 54
§ 37 Ingen – inte någon 54
§ 38 Vem – vem som 55

Prepositions and particles

§ 39 Prepositions of time 56
§ 40 Particle verbs 58


§ 41 Cardinal numbers 60
§ 42 Ordinal numbers 60


§ 43 Pronunciation of g, k and sk 62
§ 44 The J-sound 62
§ 45 The Sj-sound 62
§ 46 The Tj-sound 62
§ 47 The Ng-sound 63
§ 48 Elimination and assimilation of certain letters 63
§ 49 Prosody 63

Commas and abbreviations

§ 50 Comma and hyphen rules 65
§ 51 Abbreviations 66

Semantics: words that are often confused

§ 52 Annan, annat and till 68
§ 53 Likadan, lika, samma, likna, liknande and annorlunda 68
§ 54 Förändra, ändra, växla and byta 69
§ 55 Hämta and ta med sig 69
§ 56 Leka and spela 70
§ 57 Först and bara 70
§ 58 Måste, får and behöver 70
§ 59 Tvungen and tvingad 70
§ 60 Slipper and behöver 71
§ 61 Båda and både 71
§ 62 Leva and bo 71
§ 63 and åka 72
§ 64 Lukta and dofta 72
§ 65 Stå, ligga and hänga 73
§ 66 Som or att 73
§ 67 Därför or därför att 73

Useful words and expressions

§ 68 Useful expressions 74

Important grammatical terms 79